Security Lounge    

The Security Lounge is a public site and a restricted access forum on which number of francophones Security Advisors get connected to coordinate their action in order to work efficiently to go To a cleaner Web... !
Logos, banners identify the members of the Security Lounge... These badges are reserved to our members!
... "Security Advisors"... what are their actions, more precisely?
- help on many francophones forums to take charge of infected systems i order to -1-clean them, -2-set/reset the necessary protections, -3-inform/teach users to prevent new infections, -4-invite to tell their story on MalwareComplaints, -5-ask to spread information toward their circle (existence of help forums, prevention speeches to keep themselves out of the dangers of the Internet).
- public disposal of some elements without big danger in order users whishing it, can deal with little malfunctioning, themselves:
. list of "affiliated" security forums
. do-it-yourself - pratical hint cards for some typical infections
. links to some tools
. prevention advice
. computer maintenance
. other list of forums system, network, etc.
- security advisors from lots of francophone forums use this restricted access forum to exchange their experience, solve problems together and train efficiently
- the francophone antimalware community works closely with the global community with experts received on the Security Lounge as well as with the participation of our members to foreign forums
- the forum Security Lounge is presently hosted on the servers of
- a training center Zeb'Campus is in place to teach new advisors
Security teams and schools work on various other affiliated forums.
... why is auto-cleaning not recommended?
- the cleaning of infected systems is not recommended to unaware users and is to be done by advisors after long and special training because:
. present malware is very sophisticated, embedded in the system; poor handling may easily lead to unusable system
. malware is constantly improved by pirates and it is necessary to permanently keep up with the latest progress
. available tools are ceaselessly modified and it's worth to daily keep up with publications and latest growth
. regarding our tools, stress is set to the efficiency of cleaning and not to safety: poor handling may be very harmful.
... why restricted access?
- the access is restricted because our words are often very technical and it is impossible to slow down the discussion to provide basic explanations
- confidential documents entrusted to us for our work must not be published.
... Zeb'Campus, how to be admitted there?
- to be admitted to the Security Lounge, you must contact a member of Security Lounge.
We ask for liking for volunteer help, passion for antimalware fight, respect of users and of netiquette as well as humility!

... clean infected systems, clean infected systems, clean... we'll never get out of it!
- it is true that cleaning an infected system implies permanent backwardness behind new malware, with some days without solutions...
- other actions have to be considered:
--- help by members of Parliament and medias to stop voting laws that are in favour of pirates (Malware Complaints)
--- close work together with organizations dealing with security of the Internet outside our technical antimalware security
--- actions everywhere to rally all of the groups implicated in the Internet.

Gérard Mélone